- How blind people can use it?It's simple.It's just to move a finger along the graduated watch glass.There are extruded Braille numbers.When a person touches highlighted panel hears a sound. 盲人如何使用他呢?其实很简单.;只要用手指在表带上滑动触摸
- Function is full and stabilization. The design is novelty. More than thousands of people can use it. 功能全,稳定可靠,款式新颖,可随用户需要选择从几十人至几千人使用。
- The enclosure of public land mean that ordinary people can not use it. 公共土地的圈围意味著普通人将不能使用它。
- As soon as the equipment is wired up, you can use it. 这个设备一接通电源你就能用了。
- I just registered a new domain name. How soon can use it? 刚注册之域名,要等多久才可使用?
- Man washing hands from water that is diverged by wooden troughs made of hollowed branches from a stream to where people can use it. 人们利用中空的树枝制造木水槽,把河水引到他们可到达的地方作洗手之用。
- Taking something from a small laboratory idea into full commercial productions where people can use it on the streets is a big leap, let me tell you. 让我告诉你,把一个实验室的小想法投入到整个商业的生产,使人们最终能在街上就可使用,这可是一个大的飞跃。
- Explains what the image library is and how you can use it. 解释什么是图像库以及可以如何使用它。
- Although people can use it if they are well-trained, strong concentration is essential to obtaining an accurate and precise analysis. 但是若想获取准确且精密的分析结果,高度的专注力是绝对必要的。
- They have to dredge the canal so that ships can use it. 他们须疏浚运河河道轮船方可通航。
- Braille printing A form of blind embossing to produce raised round marks which blind people can read by touching. 盲文印刷用素压浮凸的形式,压出凸起的圆点。失明人士可凭触摸而阅读。
- This is a kind of printing that blind people can read by touching groups of raised points that are printed on paper. 这是一种印刷方式,盲人可以通过触摸印在纸上的多组凸起部分来阅读它。
- You can use it however you want. 你可以尽情使用。
- Braille printing: A form of blind embossing to produce raised round marks which blind people can read by touching. 盲文印刷:用素压浮凸的形式,压出凸起的圆点。失明人士可凭触摸而阅读。
- You can use it after every shampoo. 无论用什么香波洗完发都可使用。
- You can use it for three hours,sir. 你可以使用它三个小时,先生。
- That blind people cannot read newspapers and books as normal people do severely limited the ability of acquiring information and knowledge. 盲人不能像正常人一样阅读报刊杂志和书籍,因此对信息和知识的获取受到严重制约。
- People can use it not only cookingao zhou can also be used for fillings, the production of cakes, fried cake, ice cream,dou bao , red bean popsicles, ice cream and other food. 人们不仅可以用它煮饭熬粥,还可以用为馅料,制作糕点、炸糕、雪糕、豆包、小豆冰棍、冰激凌等风味食品。
- We can use it for quick formulae display. 可以使用它来实现公式的快速显示。
- We can use it to store pictures of the race. 你可以用它存赛车图片。